Carlton Fleming Dallas Tx How to build a temporary garage

Carlton Fleming Dallas Tx How to build a temporary garage

Carlton Fleming Mckinney Texas Having a garage is incredibly convenient, particularly in cold climates. But building a garage if you don't have one is expensive and can set you back over $10k in construction costs. Another option is a portable or temporary garage.

 They are affordable, keep the car shaded and protected from the elements, plus they are relatively easy to assemble. In this case, it's a 12 X 20 X 8 portable garage, although the process is similar for other makes and models.

Carlton Fleming Dallas Tx Instructions
• Determine a location for the temporary garage. You need enough height to fully lift the structure, and you need a place to drive into anchors as well. A point level also helps with drainage.

•Place together the front and back bow assemblies. The components of the bows are marked on the box and have a top ridge, bend side tube ridge and end studs with feet. 

Carlton Fleming Mckinney Tx These are screwed together using the hardware supplied in the kit and a 3/8-inch drive ratchet, sockets and open-end wrench. Make sure the bolts go towards the center of the frame, as this will prevent problems with the top of the cloth later.

•Attach the corner wind braces to the first end bow assembly using the hardware provided and a 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.

Carlton Fleming Dallas Texas Assemble the Inner Arch Assemblies using the hardware provided and 3/8-inch ratchet and sockets. These look like just the end arches, except they don't have feet at the bottom.


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